Activities for 2013 autumn are now ready. We will be happy to have new volunteers to work with integration in Örkelljunga.

As all you know now we have an accommodation in Örkelljunga with full of new families from different countries. They need to know other local people. If you would like to translate a post or eat dinner together, or play game with their children. Then contact to Lill
Address: Alliden 1 Örkelljunga
When: every Friday at 18.00
Contact person:
Language Support
The language support activity takes place in SFI (örkalljunga utbildning centrum) each Monday between 12.30 and 14.00. Volunteers support people who need extra help for swedish language.
Contact person: Boel Skoglund :
Homework Support
Main aim of the homework support activity is to help immigrant children's homework. Children are between 6 to 11 years old. This activity takes place in Beringskolan i Örkelljunga each Tuesday between 10.45 and 14.00
Contact person: Necmettin Meletli :
Monthly Activities
The purpose of the monthly activities is to bring immigrant families and children together in Örkelljunga with other Swedish families in order to have more social contact.
Preleminer Activity dates:
25 augusti grillkväll på Strandhem i
anslutning till Nordplusprojektet.
- 27 september kl. 17.30 grillkväll vid
församlinsghemmet med särskild inbjudan till de asylsökande.
- 1 november kl. 20.00-22.00, bad och bowling i
- 24 december Julaftonsfirande i församlingshemmet.

if you have any questions; please don't hesitate to ask:
you can call this number 0736123462 (Neco)