6 Aralık 2012 Perşembe

20 Kasım 2012 Salı

Nordplus in Haparanda

As you know that we get one more project which calls Nordplus. It was first meeting in Haparanda. You will see some pictures from meeting.

The main purpose of the project and details is in Nordplus site of our blogg.


14 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba

Internationella Marknad

Här kommer information om internationella marknad. Om ni är intresserad av aktivitet kom till församlinghem kl 18.30 på fredag.

22 Ekim 2012 Pazartesi

Journey to Vilnius: third mobility

The third “Grundtvig Access Project” mobility meeting took place in Lithuania in Vilnius. Sweden was represented by our small group of Volunteers. To reach Vilnius, we had to change in Tallinn. After two flights and a short travel by bus, we arrived at our hotel, where the welcome meeting took place in the evening.

Since it was quite late, we decided to leave the group and discover Vilnius at night. We found also a very nice place to eat.


On the two following project meeting days we had to discuss the previous achievements and set the goals for the fourth meeting in Bucharest. All the case studies about new methods for social workers working with unaccompanied minors were discussed. We discussed nine different cases from nine participating countries. On the first meeting day we also have visited a refugee camp outside of Vilnius. It was a great experience for all participants, and brought us to new ideas about how to develop our project. The bus trip also became an international song competition, where  - I think – Italy and Turkey had the first place at the end. 

By the end of the second meeting day we all have done a god work for the project. Of course the Swedish case study was one of the best and most developed among the countries so we could be very satisfied with what Neco has done since the meeting in Ankara :p Not only the work during the meeting, but also the free discussions with different participants from all over Europe were very exciting and fruitful.
Since we were leaving on Monday, we still had some time to visit Vilnius also by daylight. It is a beautiful nice Baltic city with many churches and old buildings. The autumn-colours gave a special atmosphere to our trip.

We had our last coffee in Vilnius in a very nice central café staring at the main promenade of the city covered in early morning lights. Afterwards we were ready for the long flights back to Sweden.

Swedish Team: Emese, Iza, Neco

14 Ekim 2012 Pazar

Lätläst böcker Behövs

Här kommer en kampanj om böcker som ska användas att skaffa ett biblioteket i örkelljunga ensamkommande flyktingbarns boende. Det behövs lätlästt böcker, böcker om sverige, barn eller ungdom böcker, bildböcker.

Ni får gärna delta i denna kampanj genom att skicka böcker till den här addressen:  Smålandsvägen 48 Örkelljunga Strandhem. Du kan också skicka en mail eller sms då hämtar vi böcker från dig.
Necmettinmeletli@yahoo.com eller 0736123462

30 Eylül 2012 Pazar

Case study for Grundtvig

  Description of the case

To live in Sweden with mixed population is very usually, especially for Malmö. It is mixed of people from different countries. Nowadays it starts to appear several unaccompanied minors in the city. Sweden became one of the countries that take highest number of unaccompanied minors. These refugees who come to the country to seek asylum live in a refugee camps where Henrik works as an integration leader. They are under 18 and they come without family. Morteza is one of them. He got his permanent stay visa just one week ago. He lives in the camp with other afghan refugees.

Henrik’s roll as integration leader is to help refugees to understand how Swedish society works. Responsibility of Henrik is broad such as language support, explaining of asylum process, being link between legal guard and refugee, setting some goals and helping refugees to reach these goals, following routines that camp has and having a social contact through social activities. Henrik is motivated to work with an accompanied minors but he has few experiences and information about Afghanistan and Muslim culture.

Morteza has just gotten positive answer from immigration board that he can stay in Sweden. It means he will focus more his future in Sweden rather than what he had problems in Afghanistan. Language is one and big step for him to come into society. He had difficulties to speak local language but he can understand few English words. He continues language preparation course every day. Moreover, he is really upset and concerned about his family in Afghanistan.


The main challenge for Henrik as a social worker was to have healthy, trustable, personal communication with Morteza. Henrik had also worries about misunderstanding because lack of information and experiences about Morteza’s cultural codes which could lead big problems between Morteza and Henrik.

Communication between social workers and refugees in the camp take place by the help of interpreter through telephone or just use body language, gestures until refugees start to learn the local language. There could be other helps also by the help of other refugees who can speak local language or speak English. Even if these communications channels work to some extend, misunderstandings always appear between Morteza and Henrik.

Most of the misunderstandings appeared based on lack of information about cultural codes that Morteza brought from Afghanistan. For example; Henrik went into Morteza’s room with his shoos on, for refugees it is really rude and not respectful behavior. However for Henrik it is normal to go in a room with shoes on. It starts the conflict, which is not big but possible to one big explosion of unexpressed problems and feelings afterwards.  

  What and how did you do?

In order to get ride of misunderstandings, to create more communications channels that can let personal contact, and to promote social workers’ experiences about refugees’ cultural background Henrik decided to apply one method, which was used with refugees.

3 parts of the method

First part of the method was to let Henrik and Morteza to have personal contact through social activities. They went to concert and Henrik invited Morteza to his home for a dinner. During this part Henrik started to know what Morteza’s needs, interests, hobbies were. This information would be used at the later stage of method.

Second part of the method was to find a tool such as art to get rid of language barriers, to express problems, feelings, and traditions without Swedish language with personal and creative ideas. Filmmaking was one of the tools Henrik picked to handle the challenge. He decided to choose as a theme “living in Afghanistan” because he would like to know cultural codes of the refugee. In this part there were several steps that Henrik and Morteza followed.

Step 1:
The theme Afghanistan was relatively broad and needed to be specified. Henrik and Morteza did brainstorming. Morteza got some ideas about what he wanted to tell Henrik about Afghanistan, (food, language, family life, work, weather, geography, values, ethnic groups est.)

Step 2:
Morteza chose one of these points – Family Life. Henrik let him to draw some drawings about the life in Afghanistan. Morteza hade time to think and he could express himself on a nonverbal way.

Step 3:
After this drawing Henrik and Morteza spoke about the pictures, which Morteza drew so that he could express himself better. Henrik started to get some idea about life in Afghanistan. At this step, some other afghan refugees helped Morteza to explain pictures to Henrik.

Step 4:
While Morteza was talking, Henrik started to film him. He wanted Morteza to make a story out of the drawings, it also means out of his own experiences. They put the drawings in an order, this order became the skeleton in other words a storyboard of the film, they were making together.

Step 5:
At the end of the process Morteza had a story about life of Afghanistan and he told this story with his own experiences in the personal film. He explained in his own language, and it was translated in Swedish.

The third part is about expression and to show the film to other refugees and social workers. This part is kind of reflection, evaluation and spreading of film through different social networks.

  How did it end?

Look at the film. (The film that Henrik works on it is not ready but you can look at the example that is applied same method. Theme is the road between Afghanistan and Sweden)

Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=OoR_nbTfhIU

The product does not have to be very professional, but the process is more important, because through the process of filmmaking, social workers can learn and get more information about the cultural codes about Afghanistan, that will make the social workers more competent.

The last product will be shown at youtube or different kind of social networks, which can help refugees, feel proud of their own product, and get the feeling they are interesting for others and for the local environment. On the other hand, the process helps social workers:
-       More information about Morteza’s background, that they cant get through interpreters or formal communication
-       To get idea show they can go from one theme to one story
-       Feelings – how Morteza feels, what is difficult for him in the given situation
-       To trust – build out a closer personal relationship

  How it can be better?

At the end of intervention, Henrik and other social workers come with some ideas that can help during filmmaking process.
-       Social workers should have experience about problems of refugees so they can choose better theme that can be related with problems.
-       Social workers should be also aware of individual differences (maybe some refugees like to work with film, others may like to express themselves in different ways – photo, painting est.)
-       Social workers need technical knowledge ( you have to chose software or programs which you really can work with, so the process can go on, and working together can be fun)
-       Simple technical equipments are needed (camera, computer, software etc.) The final product will not be professional film so it is not needed to have complicated software.
-       Working in small groups or individually is much better and more effective than working with nig group.  

Ps. Henrik and Morteza are just imaginary people. 

17 Eylül 2012 Pazartesi

Hem besök

I somras var vi aktiv också med hem besök hos några volontärer. Ibland hade vi fika, ibland hade vi middag. Men det är säkert att det var kul att vara med volontärer. Tackar till de som tagit emot några ensamkomande barn. Det kommer några bilder om hem besök.

10 Haziran 2012 Pazar

The end of the season!

It was a lot of people who were interested in integration. Our last activity's aim was to bring volunteers and participants together. We are happy to see nice mixture in Örkelljunga. There are several volunteers who will not be volunteer so they got diploma and little present.

26 Mayıs 2012 Cumartesi

Mobility of Turkey

Our journey to turkey: second mobility (5.-12. May 2012)

After the first meeting of the „Grundtvig Access Project“ in Palermo, now the second meeting in Ankara followed. 

We, a group of volunteers in Örkelljunga, (Boel, Birgitta, Rickard, Neco and Josefine) had the chance to spend one week in Turkey in order to meet people from nine different countries and to work on a corporate handbook for dealing with unanccompanied minors. 

Nevertheless, before the project started, we could spend two wonderful days in Istanbul. Thanks to Neco, who originally comes from Turkey, we were introduced to real Turkish families – that means: eating, eating, eating as well as drinking chai tea all the time, Turkish dance, huge picnics, singing, eating on the floor (especially for Rickard a challenge), strange toilets... We used the two days to see all the touristic highlights of Istanbul, such as the blue mosque, Hagia Sophia and the vast bazaars. 

On Monday we took a bus to Ankara, during the 7 hour bus tour we could relax a bit and see a lot of Turkey’s landscape, which was quite impressive and more mountainous than expected. We had a really warm welcome by Neco’s parents and brothers, who were awaiting us with Turkish pizza (pide).

Although the family members could not speak English, and our Turkish knowledge consisted of merely 8 words, such as „bread, yes, no, hello, goodbye, thanks, friend, Sweden“, the communication by body language was working well and moreover quite funny. The next morning the meeting with the other participants from Germany, Lithuania, Rumania, Denmark, Italy, Spain, Poland and Turkey took place. We were discussing how we work with refugees in our country and how the handbook should be structured. 

As we were invited by Neco’s aunt, grandparents and the hundreds of cousins in the evening, we were not joining the group for dinner, but did not regret this. The living room was converted into a bazaar, as Necos aunt sells clothes, and we all were buying scarves and eating tons of good food afterwards, plus at least three pieces of cake. After that we collapsed happily into our beds and slept until 8 am – then the last part of the meeting happened. The tasks for the next meeting in Lithuania were determined: every group is supposed to write a report about the best practice example for dealing with unaccompanied minors, and the special needs for the social worker or volunteer respectively. After this the group headed off to the archaeological museum and to a castle, but when caught by a thunderstorm, we had to look for shelter in a nice tea house. We enjoyed the evening and night in a Turkish restaurant with mezze, more food, alcohol (not very Muslim), Turkish live music, dancing and taking part in a bachelor’s party. Fortunately we could sleep quite long the next day and just had to relax in the bus on our way back to Istanbul, where we were spending one more day. This week was so amazing for us, as we were meeting all these nice and extremely hospitable people. We gained a lot of experienced, but also some extra pounds. ;)